- Exploring Tea -

8 December 2023 Different Kinds of Tea

Green tea delights with a grassy, fresh taste, black tea captivates with boldness, and herbal teas, such as chamomile, provide soothing, caffeine-free options. Each type presents a unique flavor profile, catering to diverse preferences for a comforting and enjoyable experience.

9 December 2023 History of Tea

Tea originated in ancient China over 5,000 years ago, with legends attributing its discovery to Emperor Shen Nong. It spread to other cultures through trade routes, evolving into a global beverage with rich cultural significance and diverse preparation methods.

9 December 2023 Why Tea's better than coffee

Tea offers a gentler caffeine boost, promoting alertness without the jitters. Its diverse flavors and varieties cater to different preferences, and the calming amino acid L-theanine enhances focus, providing a balanced and soothing alternative to coffee.